Tuesday, March 8, 2016

What is a Ultra Sonic Facial with L.E.D.?

A Ultra Sonic Facial with L.E.D.  is a safe non-invasive treatment, which is suitable for almost all skin types. It helps to repair redness, and surface capillary damage, while improving the underlying skin cells resulting in reduced redness, smother skin tone and texture, and combined with LED lights can treat the following:
·       mature skin with signs of sagging, wrinkles and fine lines 
·       dry, dull, dehydrated, sagging skin 
·       hyperpigmentation
·       puffy eyes
·       poor complexion and skin tone
·       scarring of the skin (stretch marks, post acne) 
·       oily skin, enlarged pores and acne formations
·       flabby skin with decreased muscle tone


The treatment starts with an Ultra Sonic cleansing.  Sonic treatments use vibrations that result in a much cleaner face than just using your hands.  It uses sound waves (ultrasound) by passing gently over your skin, the sound waves are gently infusing the mix of products into your skin for added results. Combined with select colors of LED light targets certain skin conditions.  


Product penetrates deeper in to your skin for instant, and long lasting results. Immediately after your treatment your skin will look radiant, hydrated and glowing. As the product has been able to reach the Dermal Layers of the skin, it has the ability to stimulate collagen and elastin production and hydrate the cellular layer, literally from the inside out. The different color LED light treatments will reduce acne, inflammation and pigmentation while firming and tightening skin with it's collagen stimulation.

Who needs to avoid it?

Pregnant women, people with cardiac issues or pacemakers.

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